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Winter 2020 Issue

Winter 2020 Issue

What's inside?

When we started ‘Green & Growing’ on Radio 2GB, Easter 1980, the introduction of organic pesticides was the big story, still is for gardeners.

When Spike Milligan launched the Garden Clinic Club on 2GB, Easter 1982, drought, dust storms and terrible bushfires were impacting us all. That cycle’s remained interspersed with horrendous floods especially in Brisbane.

NSW, WA, SA and Victoria have had more than their share of bushfire events too. Then along comes 2020.

Initially with terrible bushfires, floods then COVID19. Lockdown, home isolation and no movement .... anywhere.

Suddenly 6-7 million Australians are home gardening buying a two month record 8.5 million punnets of seedlings, that’s 51 million seedlings, and 4 million packets of vegetable seeds. Our GCC Helpline is very busy and hundreds join to get 7 day advice. The Hon. David Littleproud, Minister for Agriculture, declares on our 2GB show “garden centres are essential services and must remain open.”Gladys Berejiklian, NSW Premier, the next day announces on our show “In these difficult times gardening, as always, is the ‘go to’ panacea for mental stability, sustenance and beauty. More than ever before. “

From my garden bench, I reckon all governments have done a pretty fair job giving us access to the plants and products we need to keep gardening, safely and mentally happy, as much as possible, during this horrendous time, also keeping Australia and Australians as safe as possible.

Our 40th anniversary broadcasting on 2GB, and relay stations, came and went, thank you to those who wrote in, now back into the garden.