It’s that time of year when roses require our attention with pruning, treatment for pests and diseases and fertiliser to encourage beautiful blooms.
So, if you join, renew or extend your Platinum membership with us, you’ll be well prepared with our Rose Care Pack.
The pack includes your chance to get the new Richgro Black Spot & Fungus Killa, a 2.5kg bag of Richgro’s Black Marvel Rose & Flower Food and the Ready to Use Yates Rose Gun; the perfect products to give your roses a head start in time for Spring!
You’ll also get all the benefits of Platinum membership, including access to our Helpline every day of the week for expert gardening advice. It’s like having a horticulturist in the house!
Plus, you’ll receive all the benefits of the Garden Clinic’s Platinum membership for a year:
Unlimited access to the Horticultural Helpline 7 days a week
Garden Clinic Journal every season
Free Garden Clinic class or workshop
​Discounts at Nursery Partners – at garden centres like Camellia Grove, Honeysuckle, Bonnyrigg and Tim’s at Campbelltown.
$265.00 in value for $99.95
1-year Platinum membership to the Garden Clinic includes:
4 x issues Garden Clinic journal
7 days/week access to Helpline
Garden Clinic class or workshop
Delivery by courier *See T&C's
Plus, you will also receive:
Richgro Black Spot & Fungus Killa 250g
Richgro Black Marvel Rose & Flower Food 2.5kg
Yates Rose Gun 750ml Ready to Use
* Delivery by courier included in metro areas only.
$265.00 in value for $99.95