10/02/2025 11:57:00 AM | Sandra Ross
Sandra Ross gives us all the tips on growing lovely liliums.
10/02/2025 11:58:27 AM | Sandra Ross
Sandra and Graham talk about the veggie patch - a great thing to do while at home.
10/02/2025 11:58:39 AM | Sandra Ross
Sandra gives us three topics to get your autumn garden productive - Bulbs to plant now, Magic Mulch, and some tips about autumn roses.
10/02/2025 11:59:00 AM | Linda Ross
Today we travel to Tanzania, metaphorically, to chat about a forest groundcover that we in Australia grow inside – a plant you’ll see at Nanna’s house – the African Violet.
10/02/2025 11:59:12 AM | Linda Ross
The Garden Clinic heads off to Japan this week for a very special mauve-tinted expedition to see the wonderful wisteria.
10/02/2025 12:00:49 PM | Linda Ross
I have loved frangipanis as long as I can remember. They fragrance transports me back to simple summer days at the beach collecting flowers for float bowls and smelling like sunscreen.
10/02/2025 12:03:35 PM | Linda Ross
More people grow tomatoes than any other fruit or vegetable. But results can be mixed. Set yourself up with the right advice for a bounty harvest in an Australian environment. There is much joy to be had in picking sun-ripened, richly flavoured sweet tomatoes from your own garden. But it’s not easy - with summer temps set to soar into the forties - it’s time to get serious about garden grown tomatoes.
10/02/2025 12:05:20 PM | Linda Ross
Geraniums are an excellent choice for our changing, warming climate. They thrive in bright sunny gardens, hanging out of window-boxes and adorning pots on balconies. And scented varieties are wonderful when picked and placed in a soothing hot bath!
10/02/2025 12:18:38 PM | Linda Ross
Linda chats to Milkwood co-founder Nick Ritar about harvesting seaweed for the garden, starting a summer tomato patch and growing your own mushrooms.
10/02/2025 12:19:26 PM | Linda Ross
In their new book ‘The Village’, Matt and Lentil describe connecting to your village may just bring the good health, happiness and longevity you seek.
10/02/2025 12:19:38 PM | Linda Ross
Do you think there is a kindness deficit in the world? I do! But not in this little corner of Australia. Today we visit a not-for-profit community therapy garden and nursery in the west of Sydney where the bees are buzzing and volunteers are laughing in a brand new safe space. And it’s kind and exciting to see it in action.
10/02/2025 12:19:49 PM | Linda Ross
Indoor plants are clever things. They filter toxins from our homes to create healthy and happy green rooms for us to live within.
10/02/2025 12:20:00 PM | Linda Ross
What are the therapeutic benefits of gardening in social housing, preschools, schools, health services and aged care? Dr Kate Neale from Southern Cross University is keen to find out, starting with KindyGarden, a program aimed at getting 3-5 year olds growing food.
10/02/2025 12:20:12 PM | Linda Ross
Meet Sophie Thomson - Garden consultant, media presenter and author of Sophie’s Patch
10/02/2025 12:20:41 PM | Linda Ross
In this podcast Linda and the Chook Lady, Claire Bickle, discuss everything you need to know about keeping backyard chickens.
10/02/2025 12:20:53 PM | Linda Ross
Linda chats with her dear friend, plant collector, and Collectors’ Plant Fair exhibitor, David Kennedy - Nurseryman and owner of Clover Hill and Highfields Gardens.
10/02/2025 12:21:05 PM | Linda Ross
Linda talks to Myles Baldwin, award winning garden designer and horticulturist who designs unique gardens with a sense of place, heritage and character, about a stunning show garden he’s designed for the Singapore Garden Festival.
10/02/2025 12:21:17 PM | Linda Ross
This week Linda Ross talks to Paul West, the star of Lifestyle Channel's (now SBS) series River Cottage Australia, who has swapped his bucolic Tilba home on the NSW South Coast for a city life in Thornbury, in Melbourne’s inner north.
10/02/2025 12:21:29 PM | Linda Ross
Linda interviews third generation Camellia specialist Ross Campbell from Sydney’s Camellia Grove. They discuss how to grow camellias- what they like, dislike and how to fix problems and treat troublesome insect attack.
10/02/2025 12:24:56 PM | Linda Ross
Linda gets excited about the glamour girls of winter... the gorgeous genus Camellia.
10/02/2025 12:25:34 PM | Linda Ross
Linda is joined by Ali Mentesh from Red Cow Farm to talk about his garden, incredible collection of roses, his six favourites plus secrets to success.
10/02/2025 12:25:45 PM | Linda Ross
Jog your memory with Linda’s list of winter gardening jobs.
10/02/2025 12:25:56 PM | Linda Ross
Linda Ross chats to special guest Peter Thorburn from Honeysuckle Garden (
http://www.honeysucklegarden.com.au). They discuss the secrets to a happy healthy garden and a simple way of preventing plant pests whilst attracting local wildlife and beneficial insects.
10/02/2025 12:26:10 PM | Linda Ross
Linda Ross and special guest Tim Drewitt (
www.redearthbulbs.com) discuss how to choose the best spring and summer bulbs to give you the best bang for your buck!
10/02/2025 12:26:20 PM | Linda Ross
In this episode Linda and Sandra Ross discuss their love of dirt and what 30 years of experience teaches you about the perfect compost. Making your own compost is simple following the steps outlined in the podcasts and as Sandra says -It’s like making a lasagna.
10/02/2025 12:26:31 PM | Linda Ross
Linda Ross discusses citrus leaf miner with expert and 3rd generation citrus producer, Mark Engall
10/02/2025 12:27:38 PM | Graham Ross
Graham Ross talks with Marilyn Abbott - garden designer and creator of West Green
10/02/2025 12:27:50 PM | Graham Ross
Graham Ross interviews the 2014 Australian Institute of Horticulture Scholarship winner, Kate Grace, at the Chelsea Flower Show
10/02/2025 12:28:01 PM | Graham Ross
Graham interviews British horticulturist and garden legend, Jim Buttrose at the 2014 Chelsea Flower Show
10/02/2025 12:28:12 PM | David Austin
Graham interviews David Austin Jr at the 2014 Chelsea Flower Show.
10/02/2025 12:28:23 PM | Graham Ross
Graham remembers Alan Seale in an interview with Judy Horton