Need new delicious ways to serve Brussels
We’ve got 3 simple ways that will wow the crowd.
Photo - Bilic Bilic/
1. Roasted sprouts with almonds and bacon
Trim and halve the sprouts; toss with olive oil, salt and pepper; then roast in hot oven for 15 minutes. Meanwhile toast slivered almonds until golden
in a small pan, then set aside and crisp batons of bacon in the pan. Sprinkle the nuts and bacon pieces over the sprouts and serve.
2. Flemish-style sprouts
Peel outside leaves and trim the bottoms, then boil until just tender. Drain well then sauté in browned butter and season with salt, pepper and
3. Shredded buttered sprouts
Peel the outer leaves, halve and cut out the core, then thinly shred the sprouts. Pile into a non-stick sauté pan with a tablespoon or so of water,
a drizzle of olive oil and a knob of butter. Stir fry for a few minutes until the sprouts are bright green and just tender. Season with salt
and pepper.