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In the Vegetable Patch: It’s time to plant passionfruit

The passionfruit vine is a vigorous, climbing plant with deep green leaves and fragrant, delicate, purple to white flowers with a distinctive corona.

The vines are sensitive to frost and the fruit matures to a deep red colour and contains a sweet, juicy, orange edible pulp.


'Panama Gold' and 'Panama Red' together.


A north-facing brick wall is the perfect spot for a passionfruit vine. Install strong marine ply cables with tensioned fasteners.

We like the variety ‘Norfolk Black’. Be wary of grafted plants as you may not realise the understock is the suckering Banana passionfruit (which is extremely difficult to eradicate).


Passionfruit grows by tendrils so ensure a support for it to twine onto. Photo - SOMMAI / shutterstock


Click here for more information about growing passionfruit


Plant all summer vegetables now that spring is here: tomatoes, zucchini, capsicum, cucumber, beans, squash, carrot, leek, onion, spring onion. The secret to success is the soil preparation and that’s when a good functioning compost heap pays off. Compost is the best soil conditioner! If you don’t have one, consider starting one.

Plant herbs into well prepared soil with all day sunshine. Cultivate the soil, remove weeds, add compost, cow manure, blood and bone and a sprinkle of dolomite (half cup per square metre). Allow your soil to rest for a few weeks before planting your herbs.

Water your herbs and vegetables once a week with a seaweed solution (Harvest by Amgrow or Seasol mixed with Powerfeed). This valuable marine nutrient thickens the cell wall of your vegetables making them stronger and able to resist insect and disease. Always water early morning.