Jacarandas put on a stunning display at this time of year. They're a great choice for parks and large gardens, but refrain from planting in small gardens as the canopy is likely to be cramped or unbalanced.
Control fungal diseases such as black spot on roses, by applying Richgro's new Blackspot & Fungus Killa Granular Fungidice. It's systemic, and is taken up by plants' roots to control diseases. Boost new growth and repeat flowering with an application of Sudden Impact for Roses.
Use the lush spring growth on azaleas, geranium, fuchsia and salvias to make soft tipped cuttings. Roots form quickly in either water or propagation mix.
Try an ornamental and productive tropical fruit plant. Consider a coffee or feijoa hedge, mango or avocado shade tree, quick-cover passionfruit or banana screen.
Avoid water stress in citrus trees as they set next season’s fruit. Give trees a deep weekly soaking and mulch around the root zone to help retain soil moisture.
Old clumps of bearded iris can be dug up and divided after flowering. If left undivided clumps will spread out horizontally and sometimes the original central rhizome will die.
Top up mulch on garden beds, under trees and around fruiting plants using compost or straw to around 35 mm thick. Mulch helps retain soil moisture and protects roots from summer heat.
Trim back wayward canes on ornamental grape vines and wisteria.