The classic burnished orange-red clivia has been overtaken by new lemon, lime and peach colours.
Peter Hey is mad about the new clivia colours he is now producing – lime-green, bronze, peach, scarlet and apricot!
Clivia 'Euro Peach'. Photo - Peter Hey
Peter is part of a group of like-minded Australian growers who’ve made a very long-term commitment to developing something very, very special for our unique
climatic conditions. These colours are now becoming available, but just wait for the next tranche of multi-petal and bi-tonal clivia that will be available
around 2020-2025. We just have to be patient; much of this material has been in development for nearly 20 years!
Peter is excited about this season’s new hybrid, and offers these top tips for great clivia flowers:
Do apply potash granules end of January and soluble potash end February to end of April
Do not feed with high nitrogen fertilizers between February and June as this will promote foliage not flowers
Do ensure clivias receive adequate watering from last week in July through to umbel emergence in early September.
Do not apply aggressive chemical feed supplements or insecticides over the foliage during the period of umbel (flower) development and emergence
(January to August) as this can damage the developing umbel and prevent flowering.
Clivia 'Patterned Green'
Read Linda’s interview with Peter Hey.
Where to Buy Clivias
Peter Hey has a stall at Rozelle Collectors Market, 663 Darling Street, Rozelle in Sydney, between 9 and 3 every Saturday.
Peter is always at the Collectors Plant Fair with his latest treasures. Tickets at
Otherwise contact Peter :
Clivia 'Melon Euro Peach'