Succulents are hard- working plants but they demand so little. They make great pot candidates too. To recreate this look, fill a strawberry terracotta pot with cacti-and-succulent mix and plant with cuttings or mature plants of echeveria, blue chalk sticks (Curio repens), hens and chicks (Sempervivum tectorum) and Sedum 'Purple Blob'. Position in full sun and water in well.
It's a good time to transplant existing evergreen shrubs and trees. Prepare the new planting area with compost and organic matter. Avoid disturbing the rootball too much when digging and water in well with diluted seaweed once planted.
Protect brassicas and leafy greens from the larvae of cabbage butterflies. Check regularly for signs and spray with Dipel, an organic pesticide. Repeat sprays may be necessary.
Cut back or remove fading flowers. Add any disease- free material to the compost bin.
Feed hungry citrus with a mix of compost and organic citrus-specific fertiliser. For more citrus care tips, Angie Thomas shares her secrets on page 51 of the Garden Clinic Autumn 2023 Magazine.
Rake fallen leaves and use to create leaf mould. Alternatively, add them to the compost bin but run a mower over them first to aid decomposition.
Plant garlic for a summer harvest. Push cloves into the soil to thumb-depth in a sunny, well-drained spot.
Give roses their final feed for the season. Continue to remove spent blooms and bin any diseased leaves.