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In the garden: September

Plan ahead for summer colour by planting heatloving bulbs and perennials. Colin Barlow shows us how to plant up a fabulous potted display with liliums on page 20, while Sandra shares her summer cutting garden tips on page 28.

Prune off frost-affected growth and feed with a complete organic fertiliser to boost growth.

In warm zones, it’s time to get the vegie patch going! Beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, capsicums, and chillies. Sow Asian greens, spinach, silverbeet and rocket too. In cooler climes, wait until the chance of frost has passed.

Protect new seedlings against snails and slugs with eco-shield, an organic iron-based molluscicide that is safe for use around edible plants. As it breaks down, it adds valuable nutrients to the soil.

Dress garden beds with an organic mulch, like Whoflungdung. It helps reduce weed growth, conserves soil moisture, and as it breaks down, introduces a diversity of beneficial bacteria to the soil.

Keep an eye out for silvery squiggly lines on your citrus leaves; it’s an indicator of citrus leaf miner, a common pest of citrus trees. Spray new growth regularly with eco-oil to prevent adult moths from laying their eggs. Combine with the eco-CLM trap if infestation is severe.

Check irrigation systems are functioninig properly, clearing blockages and replacing parts if needed.

Aerate, dethatch, and give the lawn a good feed with an organic lawn fertiliser. If there are any bare patches, sow lawn seed. Keep seeds moist during germination to prevent issues with establishment.