With the arrival of spring there is much to do in the garden. Plants are hungry!
And in some areas the garden is dry and we need to keep the moisture level high for good root growth. Here is our weekly checklist.
Multi-planted terracotta pot with salvia, lobelia, snapdragon, fuchsia and daffodils.
Plant large terracotta pots with flowers to celebrate spring. This one (pictured) was planted with fuchsia, salvia, lobelia, snapdragon and daffodil bulbs.
It’s been flowering for many months. The secret is to multi-plant for a full flowery effect. Feed with a controlled release fertilised for pots and
Place artificial white cabbage moths in with cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli and kale to discourage the real moths from laying eggs which develop into
(very hungry) caterpillars.
Artificial white moths give protection
Regular deep watering of flowering bulbs will prolong the flowering. Add some Thrive by Yates every 2 weeks.
Prune frost sensitive plants like hibiscus after the danger of frost has passed.
Feed magnolias with our Magic Magnolia Mulch after flowering. Get the recipe here.
Feed your lawn with an organic lawn food like Sudden Impact for Lawns by Neutrog.
Spray citrus with Eco oil every two weeks to protect them against Citrus Leaf Miner.
Feed citrus with an organic citrus food. We use Gyganic by Neutrog.