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What to do this week: Plant ‘Crown Vegetables’

Asparagus and rhubarb are two long-lived plants you can grow from crowns planted in winter.

The crown is a section of the plant with roots attached. Crowns are more expensive than seed but offer a shorter wait till harvest.Both these plants do best with an entire garden bed to themselves.


Read more about growing these magnificent vegetables here:


Plant roses now

Mid-winter is a good time for planting roses, bare rooted or potted. Some of the best performing roses for warm climates are old favourites; and we mean old. Old roses have a romance that modern roses just don’t have; and a softness and charm in their growth habit. These old timers don’t need the heavy pruning that modern roses need.

Choose a spot with plenty of sunshine. Remember that good soil preparation will make all the difference to the way your rose performs. Take the time to add home-made compost if you have it. If not buy a good soil conditioner from your local nursery. Don’t skimp on quality. If you are looking for inspiration, check out our story about roses for warm gardens (such as Sydney). These hardy centurions for fragrance, generosity and trouble-free beauty are available from Claus and Brigitte Eckhardt at Green E roses. They sell a huge range of both modern and old roses.

Read more about the best roses to grow in Sydney here.