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In full bloom

In full bloom

Hi Sandra and Graham,Sending you a shot of my small suburban garden, full of sasanqua camellias. I heard on the show last week Sandra speaking of espaliered camelias. Mine is only small but covers up the shed nicely. It's about 27 years old. Thanks to you both. I have listened religiously and learnt a lot. Read More
Cracked and dry

Cracked and dry

My eggplants have leathery marks on the base of the fruit. It is on them from the time they start to grow. I’ve sprayed with eco-oil, Success Ultra and BioGuano. What’s causing this scaling?  Read More
Blooming beautiful

Blooming beautiful

I was given this orchid many years ago and it has now flowered. My neighbour says it’s a native orchid. Is it better to grow it in the garden or on a tree? I nearly pulled it out five years ago but left it alone, now I’ve been rewarded, quite exciting really. Read More
Squash season

Squash season

My squash fruit are all diseased this year. Is it due to all the earlier rain or a disease I should have sprayed for? Read More
Rainbow carrots

Rainbow carrots

I’m intrigued to grow purple carrots. I see there are seed packets of multi-coloured ones. Do they just look attractive or is there a reason why they’ve suddenly appeared in supermarkets and in seed racks? Read More
Friend or foe?

Friend or foe?

I’m confused about what pests I have and whether I need to worry about them. Can you tell me what these are, please? I found the darker one in my flower garden while looking for what was attacking my seedlings. The white one came from both my compost heap and the soil in my veggie garden.

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FAQ: Rosy outlook

FAQ: Rosy outlook

I recently visited a garden that was full of this gorgeous rose, it was in full flower and spreading everywhere. The owner wasn’t sure of its name and just called it Anna after the lady who gave her the original cutting.

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Avo look at this!

Avo look at this!

I’ve got a problem with my avocados. This is the first year I’ve got a decent crop, however the majority of them are flawed. What’s happened to them? What can I do to prevent this happening? Also, any quick methods for ripening them?

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Palm off

Palm off

We live near the Hastings River and the lower property was flooded in 2021. Our Kentia palms are all slowly dying. What can we do to save them?

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Seeing red

Seeing red

I heard you talking on radio recently about Grevillea ‘Molly’ being better than G. ‘Robyn Gordon’. What does it look like and why is it better, please? Read More
Space invaders

Space invaders

I love my Buffalo lawn but every year it is filled with a short weed with small feathery flowers. I keep mowing it, even now in winter, but it keeps getting worse.

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Lily Lover

Lily Lover

I’m a new gardener inspired by your lovely magazine to try lilies. Should I plant them in the garden or in pots?

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Divide and conquer

Divide and conquer

I have a huge bed of orange and some hybrid yellow clivias. They are now growing on top of each other. When and how can I divide them?

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Flaming good

Flaming good

Last summer was an excellent year for the trifecta of flowering trees including the silky oak (Grevillea robusta), jacaranda and the Illawarra flame tree (Brachychiton acerifolius).

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Whip it, snip it

Whip it, snip it

My young flowering gum has produced long whippy stems from the root stock. My worry is they are coming from the actual graft point not below. The above growth is also weak, please help. Read More
Struck gold

Struck gold

Several years ago, I was given a cutting of a rare yellow mandevilla. I managed to strike it and planted it in the garden and now it’s a beautiful golden flowering plant in our garden, but it won’t climb. How can I get it to grow up a trellis?

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Unhappy hoya

Unhappy hoya

My hoya leaves are turning yellowish, not a good shade of green. It flowered well, and I was wondering if it is hungry. What should I feed it?

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Mango madness

Mango madness

My neighbour has an old mango tree that fruits prolifically every year and he shares the fruit with everyone. He told me he follows your suggested eco-oil spraying the flowers every year. Sadly, he’s going into care and leaving the garden. He’s given me two seedlings from his tree, will they be as good as his?
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Fruitless passionfruit

Fruitless passionfruit

I have two very vigorous Panama Passionfruit. When planted, I gave them a good dose of long-acting slow-release nitrogen. They are growing beautifully but won’t flower. What do you suggest to balance the nutrients so they flower and fruit?

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Bronzed over

Bronzed over

My camellias were decimated last year with an insect. I assume that’s what it is. Now it’s spreading to our roses. What is it and what can I do to stop it? Please help.

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Stranger things

Stranger things

Our gum tree has a strange growth on it, what is it and how do we treat it? Read More
Solve the mystery

Solve the mystery

You might be able to answer a mystery for me. I’ve seen two shrubs in different states that look the same but with different flower colours. They grow in very different climates, but look easy to grow, yet, I’ve never seen them for sale. What are they and why aren’t they in garden centres? Read More
Mellow yellow

Mellow yellow

Please help! I’ve tried Popul8, Whoflungdung and Seamungus but my gardenia hedges are still yellowing.

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By the seaside

By the seaside

I’ve heard there is a rose that grows close to the seaside. Is this true and is there one with white flowers?

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Purple Haze

Purple Haze

I keep planting purple carrots, purple cauliflowers and other purple vegies. But why are they better, and can you tell me how to safely stop grubs from eating my crops, please?

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Frantic about fruit fly

Frantic about fruit fly

I’ve tried to grow peaches and nectarines for years but I’m on the edge of pulling them out this year, that is unless you can give me some hope to control the wretched fruit fly? Read More


I loved your tulip display last year outside the Clubhouse garden. I’d like to try the same myself this year, any secrets? Read More
Clivia woes

Clivia woes

Every year I forget to protect my clivia from being decimated by a voracious grub. Can you tell me what to do please? Read More
Fancy finger limes

Fancy finger limes

I see prices for finger lime fruit are skyrocketing! Why is this happening when, I believe, they are a native tree? Read More
Hey Spud

Hey Spud

We’ve been buying Kipfler potatoes for years and wondering if we can grow them at home? Read More
Fig foibles

Fig foibles

I was given a cutting of a reputed excellent fruiting fig tree three years ago. It grew quickly but no fruit ever. What am I doing wrong? Read More
Curls and swirls

Curls and swirls

I have a small lemon tree in a pot that is looking very sick. Many of the leaves are curled and some have a distinctive swirling pattern on them. What do I treat it with and could I give it a prune? Read More
Medinilla mystery

Medinilla mystery

Need a question answered, a triumph celebrated or a shoulder to cry on? We’re here to help. Read More
Intruder Alert

Intruder Alert

Can you please identify this weed and advise how to prevent it from spreading further? What weed killer I should use and when should I start treatment? My lawn is a mix of buffalo and kikuyu.

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All white now

All white now

How do you grow Eucharis lily; they are such exotic looking flowers?

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Just in time

Just in time

I remember seeing your photographs of the zinnias you grew last year, am I too late? Read More
Seeing red

Seeing red

I recently saw a photograph on your Instagram posting of a red-flowering paperback. It was very attractive. Any details, please?

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First time

First time

I’m waiting for my mail order dahlia tubers to arrive, what do I do next? By the way, I’ve never grown them before.

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Balled over

Balled over

I’ve grown several camellia seedlings collected from my old one and they are now flowering this winter. Many blooms are being attacked by an animal or insect causing the buds to split open. Can you help me please as I love growing these seedlings?

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Purple Mystery

Purple Mystery

I have a beautiful purple flowering plant and would love to know what it is. Can you please identify it?

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Displaying results 1-40 (of 132)